DrawCircleOpt: Omit & radius: number
Radius of the circle.
start?: number
Starting angle.
fill?: boolean
If fill the shape with color (set this to false if you only want an outline).
gradient?: [Color, Color]
Use gradient instead of solid color.
resolution?: number
Multiplier for circle vertices resolution (default 1)
anchor?: Anchor | Vec2
The anchor point, or the pivot point. Default to "topleft".
radius: number
Radius of the circle.
start?: number
Starting angle.
fill?: boolean
If fill the shape with color (set this to false if you only want an outline).
gradient?: [Color, Color]
Use gradient instead of solid color.
resolution?: number
Multiplier for circle vertices resolution (default 1)
anchor?: Anchor | Vec2
The anchor point, or the pivot point. Default to "topleft".
How the circle should look like.