
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is (mostly) based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4000.0.0] - TBD


  • Added ellipse() component.

  • Added circle and (rotated) ellipse collision shapes.

  • Added clipLineToRect()

  • Added support to circle shapes in area().

  • Added obj.setParent() to change the parent of a game object.

  • Added fakeMouse() to create a fake mouse cursor.

    const myCursor = add([fakeMouse(), sprite("kat"), pos(100, 100)]);; // trigger onClick events if the mouse is over
    myCursor.move(vec2(100, 200)); // move as your wish
  • Added restitution and friction.

  • Added k.system() to replace internal events or create new.

    system("collision", () => {
      // system code
    }, [LCEvents.AfterFixedUpdate, LCEvents.AfterUpdate]),
  • Added LCEvents enum for identify different lifecycle events.


  • Replaced the Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) with the “Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi” (GJK) distance algorithm.
  • Changed default behaviour of kaplay({ tagsAsComponents: false }) to false.

[3001.0.5] - 2024-12-18


  • Added tags and components separation in KAPLAYOpt.tagsAsComponents (experimental)
  • Added .is(), .tag() and .untag() to GameObjRaw, check, add and remove (experimental)
  • Added .has() to GameObjRaw, to check if a game object has a component tags (experimental)
  • Added events for listen to comps being removed or added onUse() and onUnused() (experimental)
  • Added k.cancel() to cancel the current event (experimental)
  • onKeyPress("space", () => {
        // do something
        // cancel the event
        return cancel();
  • Added getDefaultLayer() to get the default layer (experimental)
  • Added getLayers() to get the layers list (experimental)
  • Added many JSDoc specifiers on many functions (@require, @deprecated, @since, @group, etc)


  • Added .use(), .unuse() and .has() to GameObjRaw, to add, remove and check components. This only works with KAPLAYOpt.tagsAsComponents set to true (experimental)


  • Deprecated camera methods camScale(), camPos() and camRot() in favor of setCamScale(), getCamScale(), setCamPos(), getCamPos(), setCamRot() and getCamRot.
  • Deprecated camTransform() in favor of getCamTransform().
  • Deprecated camFlash() in favor of flash(), for a shake()-like name.


  • Fixed artifacts present in some TrueType fonts.
  • Fixed .use() and .unuse() with area components.

[3001.0.0] “Spooky Beans!” - 2024-10-31


  • Added input bindings, onButtonPress, onButtonRelease, onButtonDown, and it’s corresponding boolean versions, isButtonPressed, isButtonDown and isButtonReleased.

        // bind your buttons
        buttons: {
            jump: {
                keyboard: ["space", "up"],
                keyboardCode: "Space", // you can also use key codes
                gamepad: ["south"],
    onButtonPress("jump", () => {
  • added getButton(btn) and setButton(btn) to get and set button bindings

    // ["space", "up"]
    // change the jump button in keyboard to "w"
    setButton("jump", {
        keyboard: ["w"],
        // gamepad binding is not changed
  • added getLastInputDeviceType() to get what was the last pressed device

    onButtonPress(() => {
        const lastInputDevice = getLastInputDeviceType(); // keyboard, mouse or gamepad
        // change icons, etc
  • added pressButton(btn) and releaseButton(btn) to simulate button press and release

    pressButton("jump"); // triggers onButtonPress and starts onButtonDown
    releaseButton("jump"); // triggers onButtonRelease and stops onButtonDown
  • added the possibility of use arrays in all input handlers

    onKeyPress(["w", "up"], () => {
  • now gamepad events return what gamepad triggered the action

    onGamepadButtonPress("south", (btn, gp) => {
        console.log(gp.index); // gamepad number on navigator's gamepad list


  • added effector components: areaEffector(), buoyancyEffector(), pointEffector(), surfaceEffector().
  • added constantForce() component.
  • added patrol() component to move along a list of waypoints.
  • added sentry() component to notify when certain objects are in sight.
  • added NavMesh class for pathfinding on a mesh.
  • added pathfinder() component to calculate a list of waypoints on a graph.
  • now collision checks are only done if there’s area objects.

Game Object

  • added getTreeRoot() to get the game’s root object, which is the parent of all other objects

    // get the root object
    const root = getTreeRoot();
    root.add(); // same as add()
    root.get(); // same as get()
  • added GameObjRaw.tags to get a game object’s tags.

    const obj = add([sprite("bean"), "enemy", "dangerous"]);
    // get the tags
    debug.log(obj.tags); // ["enemy", "dangerous"]


  • added support to setters/getters syntax in ScaleComp and SpriteComp components

    const obj = add([sprite("bean"), scale(2)]);
    // set it with = syntax
    obj.scale = vec2(3, 4);
    obj.sprite = "bag";

Rendering and Animation

  • added the animate() component to animate the properties of an object using keyframes. Check out Animation Example

    // prop to animate, frames, options
    rotatingBean.animate("angle", [0, 360], {
        duration: 2,
        direction: "forward",
  • added particles() component to emit and draw particles.

  • readded layers() and the layer() component.

    Before the z() component, there was a layer() component that allowed you to control the draw order of objects. It was removed in v3000, but now it’s back from the void.

    // define the layers
            // the default layer
    // use the layer component
    add([sprite("bg"), layer("bg")]);
  • added SpriteComp.getCurAnim() to get the current animation data

    const obj = add([sprite("bean", { anim: "walk" })]);
    // get the current animation name
    debug.log(obj.getCurAnim().name); // "walk"
  • added SpriteComp.getAnim() for get any animation data

    loadSprite("bean", "bean.png", {
        sliceX: 4,
        sliceY: 1,
        anims: {
            walk: {
                from: 0,
                to: 3,
    const obj = add([sprite("bean")]);
    // get the animation data
    debug.log(obj.getAnim("walk")); // { from: 0, to: 3 }
  • added SpriteComp.hasAnim() to check if an animation exists

    const obj = add([sprite("bean", { anim: "walk" })]);
    // check if an animation exists
    debug.log(obj.hasAnim("walk")); // true
  • added camFlash() to flash the screen.

    camFlash(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
  • added support for radius in individual corners for RectComp component.

        rect(100, 100, {
            radius: [10, 20, 30, 40],
  • (! break) removed compatibilty to use two KAPLAY frames in the same page, due to perfomance improvements

  • fix error screen not showing with not Error object

  • Added SpriteComp.animFrame to get the frame of the current animation (not on the spritesheet)


  • now you can pass an AudioBuffer to loadSound()

  • added loadMusic() to load streaming audio (doesn’t block in loading screen).

    loadMusic("bgm", "bgm.mp3");
    // play the music


  • added Vec2.fromArray() to convert an array to a Vec2.

    const point = Vec2.fromArray([100, 200]); // vec2(100, 200);
  • added Vec2.toArray() to convert a Vec2 to an array.

    const point = vec2(100, 200);
    const arr = point.toArray(); // [100, 200]
  • added chooseMultiple() to choose a random element from an array.

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    const random = chooseMultiple(numbers, 3); // [3, 1, 5]
  • added shuffle() to shuffle an array.

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    shuffle(numbers); // [3, 1, 5, 2, 4]

Debug mode

  • added outline(), shader(), and area() properties to debug.inspect.

  • added KAPLAYOpt.debugKey for customizing the key used to toggle debug mode.

        debugKey: "l",
  • added compatibility with custom properties in debug mode

    const obj = add([
            health: 100, // on debug.inspect
            damage: 10, // on debug.inspect
            hp() {
       -= this.damage;
            }, // not on debug.inspect
    // see the custom properties in debug mode
    debug.inspect = true;
  • Now debug.log() accepts multiple argument of any type, like console.log().


  • added getSceneName() to get the current scene name
  • added Color.toArray() to convert a color to an array
  • added global raycast function and raycast method to level
  • added support for textured polygons
  • added support for concave polygon drawing
  • added support for arrays in uniforms
  • added support for texture larger than 2048x2048
  • added support for gravity direction
  • added line join (bevel, miter, round) and line caps (square, round)
  • added quadratic bezier and Catmull-Rom evaluation
  • added evaluation of the first and second derivatives for all splines
  • added higher order easing functions linear, steps and cubic-bezier


  • Now you can type get() with a type parameter and passing component types. (v4000)

    const player = get<BodyComp>("player");
  • Now Key also accepts a string as an acceptable value.

  • Now text() component doesn’t require to pass a string.

  • Now camScale() and camPos() accept only 1 number as parameter.

  • Now shake() can be called without args.

  • Now loadShader() and loadShaderURL() accepts null for unused parameters.

  • Now RectCompOpt accepts a array of numbers for radius.


All changes applies for both v3001 and v4000

  • deprecated kaboom() in favor of kaplay() (you can still use kaboom*)
  • deprecated SpriteComp.curAnim() in favor of SpriteComp.getCurAnim().name
  • deprecated fadeIn component in favor of OpacityComp.fadeIn()
  • deprecated Event, EventHandler and EventController in favor of KEvent, KEventHandler and KEventController

Bug fixes

All changes applies for both v3001 and v4000

  • (break) much typescript definitions was fixed, if you use typescript now maybe you see new errors that make your code strict
  • fix error screen not showing with not Error object
  • fix error where debug screen was scaling bad the blue rectangles
  • fix error where error screen was not showing when the error was thrown in a input event
  • fix error where fonts was cropped in the bottom
  • fix an error where stay() object loose their input events on scene change


  • exposed vel property on BodyComp


  • fixed error not being logged
  • fixed error screen scaling error in letterbox mode


  • fixed loadRoot() not working sometimes
  • fixed audio being resumed when the tab is switched on but debug.paused is true


  • fixed color() and rgb() not working


  • added option kaboom({ focus: false }) to disable focus on start
  • fixed rand() typing for numbers
  • fixed mouse position in fullscreen
  • added Color#toHSL()


  • fixed test code accidentally getting shipped (where a screenshot will be downloaded every time you press space)


  • added fill option to rect(), circle() and sprite()
  • fixed view getting cut off in letterbox mode


  • fixed scale option acting weird when width and height are defined (by @hirnsalat)


  • fixed debug.paused not pausing audio
  • added mask() component
  • added support for colored font outline
loadFont("apl386", "/examples/fonts/apl386.ttf", {
    outline: {
        width: 8,
        color: rgb(0, 0, 255),
  • fixed wave() not starting at 0 when time is 0
  • kaboom now only displays error screen for kaboom’s own error, instead of catching all errors in current window
  • added KaboomError class for errors related to current kaboom instance
  • setting obj.text with text() component now immediately updates width and height property
const obj = add([text("oh hi"), pos(100, 200)]);

// before
obj.text = "bye";
console.log(obj.width); // still the width of "oh hi" until next render

// before
obj.text = "bye";
console.log(obj.width); // will be updated to the width of "bye"


  • fixed loadSound typing to accept ArrayBuffer


  • added Event#clear() method
  • fixed add() without argument


  • added audio.stop() method
const music = play("music");


  • fixed onCollideUpdate() still runs when object is paused
  • allow add() and make() without arguments
  • added debug.numObjects()
  • added width and height properties to SpriteData
// get sprite size
getSprite("bean").then((spr) => {
    console.log(spr.width, spr.height);


  • fixed audio not pausing when tab hidden and backgroundAudio not set
  • fixed debug.timeScale not working
  • fixed debug.paused not able to resume
  • fixed quad option not working in sprite() component
  • added onHide() and onShow() for tab visibility event


  • fixed some indirect fixed related issues

[3000.1.0] - 2023-08-18 (kaboom.js)

  • added game object level input handling
// add a scene game object
const scene = add([]);

const bean = scene.add([sprite("bean"), pos(100, 200), area(), body()]);

scene.onKeyPress("space", () => {

scene.onMousePress(() => {

// setting scene.paused will pause all the input events
scene.paused = true;

// destroying scene will cancel all its input events

const ui = add([]);


// these will only work if ui game object is active
ui.onMousePress(() => {
    // ...

// before you'll have to manually clean up events on obj.onDestroy()
const scene = add([]);
const evs = [];
scene.onDestroy(() => {
    evs.forEach((ev) => ev.cancel());
    k.onKeyPress("space", () => {
  • added make() to create game object without adding to the scene
const obj = make([sprite("bean"), pos(120, 60)]);

  • fixed children not inheriting fixed() from parent
// before
const ui = add([fixed()]);

    // have to also give all children game objects fixed()

// now
const ui = add([fixed()]);

// you don't have to add fixed() to children
ui.add([rect(100, 100)]);
  • fixed AreaComp#onClick() event not getting cleaned up when game object is destroyed
  • fixed typo isTouchScreen() -> isTouchscreen()
  • fixed inspect mode doesn’t show the properties box of indirect children game objects
  • fixed some problem causing kaboom to not work with vite
  • fixed “destroy” event not run on children game objects
  • calling shake() when another shake is happening adds to the shake instead of reset it?
  • fixed incorrect touch position when canvas is not at top left of page

[3000.0.0] - 2023-05-25 (kaboom.js)

Game Objects

  • added scene graph, game objects are now stored in a tree-like structure and can have children with obj.add()
const bean = add([sprite("bean"), pos(160, 120)]);

const sword = bean.add([
    // transforms will be relative to parent bean object
    pos(20, 20),

const hat = bean.add([
    // transforms will be relative to parent bean object
    pos(0, -10),

// children will be moved alongside the parent
bean.moveBy(100, 200);

// children will be destroyed alongside the parent
  • added recursive and liveUpdate options to get()
const enemies = get("enemy", {
    // get from all children and descendants, instead of only direct children
    recursive: true,
    // live update the returned list to listen to onAdd and onDestroy events
    liveUpdate: true,

console.log(enemies.length); // 3

add([sprite("bigbird"), "enemy"]);

console.log(enemies.length); // 4
  • changed object update order from reversed to not reversed
  • (BREAK) removed GameObj#every() and GameObj#revery() in favor of obj.get("*").forEach()
  • (BREAK) renamed GameObj#_id to GameObj#id
  • addLevel() now returns a GameObj which has all individual grid objects as its children game objects, with LevelComp containing its previous methods
  • added onAdd() and onDestroy() events to listen to added / destroyed game objects


  • added support for getter and setters in component properties


  • added collision support for rotate shapes and polygons
  • added option collisionIgnore to area() component, which accepts a list of tags to ignore when checking collision
const bean = add([
    pos(100, 80),
        collisionIgnore: ["cloud", "particle"],
  • added Area#getCollisions to get a list of all current collisions happening
for (const col of player.getCollisions()) {
    const c =;
    if ("chest")) {;
  • added Area#onCollideUpdate() and onCollideUpdate() to register an event that runs every frame when 2 objects are colliding
  • added Area#onCollideEnd() and onCollideEnd() to register an event that runs once when 2 objects stop colliding
  • added Area#onHover() and onHover() to register an event that runs once when an object(s) is hovered over
  • added Area#onHoverEnd() and onHoverEnd() to register an event that runs once when an object(s) stops being hovered over
  • (BREAK) renamed onHover() to onHoverUpdate() (it registers an event that runs every frame when an object is hovered over)
  • (BREAK) renamed pushOut() to resolveCollision()


  • added Body#onFall() which fires when object starts falling
  • added Body#onPhysicsResolve() and Body#onBeforePhysicsResolve() to register events relating to collision resolution
// make semi-solid platforms that doesn't block player when player is jumping over it
player.onBeforePhysicsResolve((collision) => {
    if (["platform", "soft"]) && player.isJumping()) {
  • (BREAK) removed solid() in favor of body({ isStatic: true })
  • added option body({ mass: 3 }) to define how hard a non-static body is to be pushed by another non-static body
  • added option body({ stickToPlatform: false }) to turn off object moving with platform
  • (BREAK) removed Body#doubleJump() in favor of doubleJump() component
  • (BREAK) renamed Body#weight to Body#gravityScale
  • (BREAK) renamed Body#onFall() to Body#onFallOff() which triggers when object fall off a platform
  • (BREAK) defining setGravity() is now required for enabling gravity, body() by default will only prevent objects from going through each other


  • (BREAK) renamed origin() to anchor(), so it won’t mess up typescript in global mode
  • (BREAK) anchor (previously origin) no longer controls text alignment, use text({ align: "left" }) option instead
  • added doubleJump() component to enable double jump (or any number of jumps)
  • (BREAK) renamed outview() to offscreen(), and uses a much faster check (but less accurate) for if object is offscreen
    • removed offset option in favor of a simpler distance option
    • renamed onExitView() and onEnterView() to onExitScreen() and onEnterScreen()
  • (BREAK) removed cleanup() component in favor of offscreen({ destroy: true })
  • added OpacityComp#fadeOut()
  • added fadeIn() component
  • stay() now accepts a list of scenes to stay for, like stay(["gameover", "menu"])
  • (BREAK) changed SpriteComp#flipX and SpriteComp#flipY to properties instead of functions
  • (BREAK) sprite.onAnimStart() and sprite.onAnimEnd() now triggers on any animation
// before
obj.onAnimEnd("walk", () => {
    // do something

// v3000
obj.onAnimEnd((anim) => {
    if (anim === "walk") {
        // do something
  • (BREAK) ScaleComp#scale will always be a Vec2 not number
  • shader() comp uniform parameter now supports a callback that returns the uniform every frame
const player = add([
    // will calculate and send u_time every frame
    shader("flashy", () => ({
        u_time: time(),


  • added loadProgress() that returns a 0.0 - 1.0 that indicates current asset loading progress
  • added option loadingScreen to kaboom() where you can turn off the default loading screen
  • added onLoadUpdate() to register a custom loading screen (see “loader” example)
// custom loading screen
onLoadUpdate((progress) => {
        pos: center(),
        radius: 32,
        end: map(progress, 0, 1, 0, 360),
  • added support for multiple sprite sources as frames in loadSprite()
loadSprite("player", [
  • (BREAK) added loadShaderURL(), loadShader() now only load shader code not files


  • added loadFont() to load .ttf, .otf, .woff2 or any font supported by browser FontFace
// Load a custom font from a .ttf file
loadFont("FlowerSketches", "/examples/fonts/FlowerSketches.ttf");

// Load a custom font with options
loadFont("apl386", "/examples/fonts/apl386.ttf", {
    outline: 4,
    filter: "linear",
  • (BREAK) renamed previous loadFont() to loadBitmapFont()
  • (BREAK) removed built-in apl386, apl386o, sink, sinko (still available under examples/fonts)
  • changed default font size to 36
  • (BREAK) changed to bbcode syntax for styled text
// before
"[oh hi].green here's some [styled].wavy text";
// v3000
"[green]oh hi[/green] here's some [wavy]styled[/wavy] text";


  • fixed visual artifacts on text rendering
  • added colors option to drawPolygon() that controls the color of each corner
  • added gradient option to drawRect() that specifies the start and end color
  • added drawMasked() and drawSubtracted()
  • added pushRotateX(), pushRotateY() and pushRotateZ()
  • added pixelDensity option to kaboom()
  • (BREAK) changed position vertex format from vec3 to vec2 (which is passed in as the first argument of custom frag and vert shader functions)
  • added usePostEffect() to add post process shader
vec4 frag(vec2 pos, vec2 uv, vec4 color, sampler2D tex) {
    vec4 c = def_frag();
    return vec4(1.0 - c.r, 1.0 - c.g, 1.0 - c.b, c.a);

  • shader error logs now yields the correct line number
  • added slice9 option to loadSprite() to enable 9 slice scaling
loadSprite("grass", "/sprites/grass.png", {
    slice9: {
        left: 8,
        right: 8,
        top: 8,
        bottom: 8,

const g = add([sprite("grass")]);

onMouseMove(() => {
    const mpos = mousePos();
    // updating width / height will scale the image but not the sliced frame
    g.width = mpos.x;
    g.height = mpos.y;


  • added option kaboom({ backgroundAudio: false }) to not pause audio when tab not active
  • changed speed, detune, volume, loop in AudioPlay from functions to properties
  • added onEnd() event for const pb = play("sound")
// before
const music = play("song");

// v3000
const music = play("song");
music.speed = 2;
music.volume = 0.5;
music.loop = true;


  • added onScroll(action: (delta: Vec2) => void) to listen mouse wheel scroll
  • fixed touches not treated as mouse
  • (BREAK) changed onTouchStart(), onTouchMove() and onTouchEnd() callback signature to (pos: Vec2, touch: Touch) => void (exposes the native Touch object)
  • added onGamepadButtonPress(), onGamepadButtonDown(), onGamepadButtonRelease()
  • added isGamepadButtonPressed(), isGamepadButtonDown(), isGamepadButtonReleased()
  • added onGamepadStick() to handle gamepad axes info for left and right sticks
  • added getConnectedGamepads()
  • added onGamepadConnect() and onGamepadDisconnect()
  • added gamepads option to kaboom() to define custom gamepads


  • (BREAK) changed addLevel() options API
    • renamed width and height to tileWidth and tileHeight
    • renamed any to wildcardTile
    • now all tile symbols are defined in the tiles object
// before
addLevel(["@  ^ $$", "======="], {
    width: 32,
    height: 32,
    "=": () => [sprite("grass"), area(), body({ isStatic: true })],
    $: () => [sprite("coin"), area(), "coin"],
    any: (symbol) => {
        if (symbol === "@") {
            return [
                /* ... */

// v3000
addLevel(["@  ^ $$", "======="], {
    tileWidth: 32,
    tileHeight: 32,
    tiles: {
        "=": () => [sprite("grass"), area(), body({ isStatic: true })],
        $: () => [sprite("coin"), area(), "coin"],
    wildcardTile: (symbol) => {
        if (symbol === "@") {
            return [
                /* ... */


  • sprites are now automatically packed, improving performance
  • (BREAK) renamed gravity() into getGravity() and setGravity()
  • (BREAK) removed all deprecated functions in v2000.2
  • (BREAK) raised esbuild target to esnext
  • added setBackground() and getBackground() in addition to background option in kaboom()
  • moved type defs for global functions to import "kaboom/global"
// if use global functions
import "kaboom";
import "kaboom/global"; // required to load global types


// will have definition
// if don't use global function
import "kaboom";

kaboom({ global: false });

// type error, won't pollute global namespace if not manually import "kaboom/global"
  • added tween() for tweening, and a set of built-in easing functions in easings
onMousePress(() => {
        (val) => (bean.pos.x = val),
        (val) => (bean.pos.y = val),
  • (BREAK) changed all event handlers to return a EventController object instead of a function to cancel event
// before
const cancel = onUpdate(() => {
    /* ... */

// v3000
const ev = onUpdate(() => {
    /* ... */
ev.paused = true;
  • timers can now be paused
const timer = wait(4, () => {
    /* ... */
timer.paused = true;

const timer = loop(1, () => {
    /* ... */
timer.paused = true;
  • kaboom() now automatically focuses the canvas
  • added quit() to end everything
  • added download(), downloadText(), downloadJSON(), downloadBlob()
  • added Recording#stop() to stop the recording and returns the video data as mp4 Blob
  • added debug.numFrames() to get the total number of frames elapsed
  • added onError() to handle error or even custom error screen
  • added onResize() to register an event that runs when canvas resizes
  • added setCursorLocked() and isCursorLocked()
  • (BREAK) renamed cursor() to setCursor()
  • (BREAK) renamed fullscreen() to setFullscreen()
  • (BREAK) renamed isTouch() to isTouchscreen()
  • (BREAK) removed layers() in favor of parent game objects (see “layers” example)
  • (BREAK) removed load() event for components, use onLoad() in add() event
  • (BREAK) removed debug.objCount() in favor of getAll().length
  • added debug.numFrames() to get the current frame count

[2000.2.6] - 2022-01-27 (kaboom.js)

  • fixed text always being wrapped if updated
  • fixed text comp properties letterSpacing, charSpacing, transform, styles not being exposed


  • fixed updating font property on gameobj not updating the text font


  • fixed focus() not properly exported
  • deprecated focus() in favor of canvas.focus() due to name collision


  • fixed kaboom.d.ts completely messed up


  • fixed doc for TextCompOpt#styles and DrawTextOpt#styles


  • fixed updates not running at all when kaboom({ debug: false })

[2000.2.0] “Fancy Text Mode” 2022-01-23 (kaboom.js)

  • added formatText() and drawFormattedText()
  • added charSpacing and lineSpacing in TextCompOpt and DrawTextOpt
  • added optional transitions argument in state() to define allowed transitions
  • added StateComp#onStateTransition to register event for specific transitions
  • added syntax to style a piece of text "this is a [styled].wavy text" and style option in TextCompOpt and DrawTextOpt to define the styles with CharTransformFunc
  • deprecated dir() in favor of Vec2.fromAngle()
  • fixed onTouchEnd() fired on touchmove
  • added outview() component to control behavior when object leaves visible area
  • deprecated cleanup(delay?: number) in favor of cleanup(opt?: CleanupOpt)
  • deprecated mouseWorldPos() in favor of toWorld(mousePos())
  • deprecated rng() in favor of new RNG()
  • added classes Vec2, Color, Mat4, Timer, Quad, RNG, Line, Rect, Circle
  • added deprecation warning
  • fixed letterbox view mode
  • allow non-stretch letterbox
  • fixed mouse position malfunction in fullscreen, stretch and letterbox mode


  • fixed Color#eq() not giving correct result


  • fixed not having export if installed from github repo with npm
  • fixed event canceller returned by raw onUpdate() and onDraw() crashing


  • fixed debug widget scale


  • fixed enterState() not passing args to onStateEnter() callback


  • fixed state() to not require registering onStateUpdate() before using any state


  • fixed onKeyRelease() wrongfully check for key press instead of release


  • fixed StateComp#enterState() not accepting any state

[2000.1.0] “Record Mode” - 2021-11-04 (kaboom.js)

  • added hsl2rgb() for converting HSL color to kaboom RGB
  • added record() to start a screen recording
  • added F5 to screenshot and F6 to toggle record mode in debug mode
  • added DrawTextOpt#transform() and TextCompOpt#transform() for defining style and transformation for each character
  • added state() component for finite state machine
  • added support for multiple tags in get() and every()
  • added UI indicator for debug.paused and debug.timeScale
  • changed inspect mode UI style
  • added color constants WHITE, BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED, MAGENTA, CYAN, YELLOW
  • added new API style (on prefix for all event handler function, is prefix for all boolean state getters)
    • onLoad()
    • onUpdate()
    • onDraw()
    • onKeyPress()
    • onKeyPressRepeat()
    • onKeyDown()
    • onKeyRelease()
    • onMousePress()
    • onMouseDown()
    • onMouseRelease()
    • onMoueMove()
    • onTouchStart()
    • onTouchMove()
    • onTouchEnd()
    • onCollide()
    • onClick()
    • onHover()
    • isFocused()
    • isKeyDown()
    • isKeyPressed()
    • isKeyPressedRepeat()
    • isKeyDown()
    • isMouseDown()
    • isMousePressed()
    • isMouseReleased()
    • isMouseMoved()
    • isMouseMoved()
    • GameObj#onUpdate()
    • GameObj#onDraw()
    • AreaComp#onCollide()
    • AreaComp#onHover()
    • AreaComp#onClick()
    • BodyComp#onGround()
    • BodyComp#onFall()
    • BodyComp#onHeadbutt()
    • BodyComp#onDoubleJump()
    • BodyComp#isGrounded()
    • BodyComp#isFalling()
    • SpriteComp#onAnimEnd()
    • SpriteComp#onAnimStart()
    • HealthComp#onDeath()
    • HealthComp#onHurt()
    • HealthComp#onHeal()
    • AudioPlay#isStopped()
    • AudioPlay#isPaused()

[2000.0.0] “Burp Mode” - 2021-10-20 (kaboom.js)

  • version jumped to v2000.0.0 (still semver, just big)
  • added burp() for easy burping
  • added decent typescript / autocomplete support and jsdocs
  • introducing new character “bean” bean
  • added loadBean() to load "bean" as a default sprite
  • changed default font to APL386, as "apl386o" (default outlined version) and "apl386"
  • included font kitchen sink as "sinko" (outlined version) and "sink" (standard version with extended characters for text-mode games)
  • added font field in KaboomOpt to set the default font
  • added loadSpriteAtlas(src, entries) to load sprite atlas
  • inspect mode now displays every comp’s state
  • BREAK added continuous collision resolution which checks collision in move() if 2 objects are both “solid” (objects now won’t pass through other solid object at high speed or low framerate)
// before
add([sprite("player"), area()]);

add([sprite("rock"), solid()]);

keyDown("left", () => {
    player.move(-120, 0);

player.action(() => {
    player.resolve(); // or pushOutAll() in beta versions

// after
const player = add([sprite("player"), area(), solid()]);

// both should be solid
add([sprite("rock"), area(), solid()]);

keyDown("left", () => {
    // this will handle collision resolution for you, if the other obj is also "solid"
    player.move(-120, 0);
  • added comp opacity() to set opacity
  • added comp health() to manage health related logic
  • added comp move() to manage projectile-like behavior
  • added comp cleanup() to auto destroy obj when it leaves screen
  • added comp outline() to draw a lil outline
  • added comp timer() to attach timers to a game obj
  • added comp fixed() to make a game obj unaffected by camera
  • added comp stay() to make a game obj stay after scene switch
  • added comp lifespan() to destroy game obj after certain amount of time
  • added comp z() to define draw order for objs on the same layer
  • added weight to BodyComp and BodyCompOpt to control the gravity multiplier
  • added djump() to BodyComp for double jump
  • added dir() to calculate directional vector from angle
  • added constants LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN for unit directional vector
  • added fullscreen() to enable real fullscreen mode
  • BREAK separated color and opacity, removed rgba() in favor of rgb, use component opacity() to define opacity
  • BREAK changed color from 0-1 range to 0-255, angles from radians to degrees
// before
add([rotate(Math.PI / 2), color(0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5)]);

// after
add([rotate(90), color(0, 127, 255), opacity(0.5)]);
  • global and debug flag now are enabled by default, need to turn off manually if you don’t want
  • added input events touchStart(id, pos), touchMove(id, pos), touchEnd(id, pos), mouseMove(pos)
  • added mouseDeltaPos()
  • added touchToMouse to control if touch events should be translated to mouse events
  • added mousePos() now gets the screen mouse pos, use mouseWorldPos() to get the mouse position affected by camera
  • added anim field in SpriteCompOpt to play an anim on start
  • better type support for components
  • scene() and start() (also removed in favor of go()) are optional now, if you don’t need multiple scenes yet you can just go directly
// no mandatory scene() to start kabooming
  • BREAK area() is now explicit and not automatically added by sprite(), rect(), and text(), removed each noArea or area config field
  • BREAK area() now takes an AreaCompOpt, where you can define the area size, scale, and hover cursor
    area(), // empty area will derive from sprite size
    area({ scale: 0.5 }), // 0.5x the sprite size
    area({ offset: vec2(0, 12), width: 4, height: 12 }), // more control over the collider region
  • BREAK renamed isCollided() to isColliding(), isHovered() to isHovering()
  • BREAK removed overlaps() and isOverlapped() and replaced with isColliding() and collides() only checks doesn’t return true when 2 objects are just touching each other, use isTouching() to check if they’re not colliding but just touching each other
  • added isTouching() to check if 2 objects are collided or just touching other
  • audio is now paused when you leave the tab
  • audio is now paused on debug.paused = true
  • added local storage helper getData(key, default?) and setData(key, data)
  • added loadShader(id, vert, frag, isUrl)
  • added shader() comp for attaching custom shader to an obj
  • different layers do not prevent collisions now
  • BREAK changed last argument of loadFont() to FontLoadOpt
  • all event handlers like keyPress(), mouseClick(), action(), collides() now returns a function to cancel that listener
  • added require on component definitions, making it possible to declare dependencies for components, e.g.
function alwaysRight() {
    return {
        // the id of this component
        id: "alwaysRight",
        // list of component ids that this requires
        require: ["pos"],
        update() {
            // so you can use `move()` from pos() component with no worry
            this.move(100, 0);
  • BREAK overlapping component fields are not allowed, e.g. you can’t have a custom comp that has a collides field if it already have a area component, since it already has that
  • BREAK changed text(txt, size, conf) to text(txt, conf) with size as a field
  • added obj.c(id) for getting a specific comp’s state (by default all comps’ states are mounted to the obj by Object.defineProperty)
// both works"anim");
  • pedit, aseprite plugins are now included by default
  • added addKaboom() for quick kaboom explosion
  • load*() now accepts null as name and not load into assets manager, instead just return the resource data handle
  • BREAK renamed event headbump to headbutt
  • BREAK renamed event grounded to ground
  • added width, height, and tiled attrib to SpriteCompOpt, for better control over sprite size and tiled sprite support
  • BREAK renamed resolve() to pushOutAll() on area comp
  • added pushOut() for pushing a single object out from another with area comp
  • fixed "add" event getting called twice for tagged objs
  • added moveTo(dest: Vec2, speed?: number) to pos() comp
  • added keyPress() (and all other key events) with no arg to check for any key
  • BREAK renamed camShake() to shake()
  • added flipX and flipY on sprite() comp configuration, and flipX() flipY() methods
  • BREAK remove flipX() and flipY() on scale() comp
  • BREAK removed start() in favor of go()
  • BREAK removed changeSprite() in favor of use(sprite("newsprite"))
  • tags and components are converged, tags are just empty components now
  • added unuse() to remove a component or tag
  • BREAK removed rmTag() in favor of unuse()
  • BREAK removed camIgnore() in favor of fixed()
  • BREAK renamed makeRng() to rng()
  • sprite animation now supports defining properties like loop and speed in load step and play step
loadSprite("hero", "hero.png", {
    sliceX: 9,
    anims: {
        idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 3, loop: true },
        run: { from: 4, to: 7, speed: 10, loop: true },
        hit: 8,
  • BREAK changed .play(anim, ifLoop) under sprite() to accept a dict of properties .play(anim, { loop: true, speed: 60, pingpong: true })
  • BREAK now every symbol definition in addLevel() should be a function returning the component list, to ensure there’s no weird shared states
addLevel(["*    *", "*    *", "======"], {
    "*": () => [sprite("wall"), area(), solid()],
    "=": () => [sprite("floor"), area(), solid()],
  • BREAK renamed clearColor to background
  • added collision detection functions testLineLine(), testRectRect(), testRectLine() etc.
  • added drawing functions drawSprite(), drawRect(), drawCircle(), drawPolygon(), drawEllipse(), drawLine(), drawLines()
  • added transformation functions pushTransform(), popTransform(), pushTranslate(), pushRotate(), pushScale()
  • BREAK removed areaWidth() and areaHeight() since they won’t make sense if the area shape is not rectangle, use worldArea() if you need area data
const area = player.worldArea();
if (area.shape === "rect") {
    const width = area.p2.x - area.p1.x;
    const height = area.p2.y - area.p1.y;


  • added plugins npm package support e.g. import asepritePlugin from "kaboom/plugins/aseprite"

[0.5.0] “Sticky Type” - 2021-05-11 (kaboom.js)

  • platforms are now sticky
  • moved to TypeScript
  • improved graphics performance
  • improved inspect drawing performance
  • added on-screen log that catches all kinds of errors
  • added cursor()
  • added curPlatform() by body()
  • added falling() by body()
  • added changeSprite() by sprite()
  • added duration() and time() for the handle returned by play()
  • added optional seek field to the audio play conf play([conf])
  • added LoopHandle returned by loop() that has a stop()
  • added a default background (can be dismissed by setting clearColor)
  • fixed sound.pause() to work on firefox
  • fixed collisions not treating explicit default layer the same as implicit default layer
  • fixed unable to play another anim in onAnimEnd()
  • fixed scene switches happen in the middle of a frame
  • fixed scale(0) not working
  • fixed mousePos() not returning the camera affected pos with no layers
  • BREAK changed dbg() to plain debug object
  • BREAK moved fps(), objCount(), stepFrame(), log(), error() under debug
  • BREAK removed debug.logTime
  • BREAK changed component debugInfo() hook to inspect()
  • BREAK removed timer() component
  • BREAK renamed removeTag() to rmTag()
  • BREAK changed SpriteAnim from [ from, to ] to { from: number, to: number }
  • BREAK removed onAnimPlay() and onAnimEnd() in favor of generic event on("animEnd", (anim: string) => {})
  • BREAK removed obj.addTag() in favor of obj.use()
  • BREAK merged debug.hoverInfo and debug.showArea into debug.inspect
  • BREAK removed sound.resume() in favor of


  • fixed on("destroy") handler getting called twice
  • fixed sprite play() not playing

[0.4.0] “Multiboom” - UNKNOWN (kaboom.js)

  • BREAK removed init() and, in favor of kaboom(), also allows multiple kaboom games on one page
// replaces init(), and added a 'global' flag for previous
    global: true,
    width: 480,
    height: 480,

or not global

const k = kaboom();
  • BREAK changed clearColor on kaboom(conf) to accept a 4 number array instead of rgba()
  • added a plugin system, see the multiboom example and src/plugins
  • BREAK removed support for .kbmsprite, supports newer version of .pedit through pedit plugin
  • BREAK loadAseprite() and made it an external plugin under plugins/aseprite.js
  • added sceneData() for custom scene data kv store
  • fixed mouseClick doesn’t work on mobile
  • disabled context menu on canvas
  • prevented default behavior for ‘tab’ and function keys
  • added numFrames() by sprite()
  • added screenshot() that returns of a png base64 data url for a screenshot

[0.3.0] “King Dedede…Bug!” - UNKNOWN

  • BREAK removed pause() and paused() in favor to kaboom.debug.paused
  • BREAK removed velY, curPlatform and maxVel fields by body()
  • BREAK changed curAnim by sprite() to method curAnim()
  • fixed dt() surge on page visibility change (#20)
  • pause audio when page is not visible
  • added built in debug control with init({ debug: true, })
    • `: toggle showLog (default on with debug: true)
    • f1: toggle showArea
    • f2: toggle hoverInfo
    • f8: toggle paused
    • f7: decrease timeScale
    • f9: increase timeScale
    • f10: stepFrame()
  • added on screen logging with log() and error()
  • fixed loadRoot() sometimes doesn’t work in async tasks

[0.2.0] “Hear the Tremble” - UNKNOWN

  • BREAK removed aseSpriteSheet conf field from loadSprite(name, src, conf)
  • added pause(), resume(), stop(), loop(), unloop(), volume(), detune(), speed() methods to the handle returned by play()
  • added camShake() for built in camera shake
  • added loadAseprite(name, imgSrc, jsonSrc)
  • added area component generation for text()
  • added noArea to conf field of sprite(), rect() and text(), allowing to disable auto area component generation
  • added a quad field to sprite comp creation config sprite(id, { quad: quad(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5) })
  • fixed resolve() not working if the obj also has solid, so it does not check for itself (#8)
  • mousePos() accepts a layer argument, which returns the mouse position affected by camera transform if that layer is not camIgnore()-ed
  • fixed camera position getting calculated before completing every object’s update (#14)
  • fixed some cases on("grounded", f) called multiple times when moving on a smooth platform
  • added revery() to iterate objects in reverse order
  • added readd() to re-add an object to the scene without triggering events
  • added level.spawn()

[0.1.0] “Oh Hi Mark” -

  • BREAK changed default origin point to "topleft", so if you want object origin point to be at center you’ll need to manual origin("center")
  • BREAK integrated kit/physics and kit/level to main lib
  • BREAK makes collides() only run on first collision, not run every frame during the same collision
  • BREAK camPos() by default focuses to center, so camPos(player.pos) puts player in the center of the screen
  • BREAK renamed kaboom.import() to
  • added an arg field to start(scene, ...) to forward args to start scene
  • added camScale(), camRot() and camIgnore()
  • added obj.overlaps() by area(), and overlaps()
  • added 3 ext fonts under ext/fonts
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