
The sprites are probably most of your visual aspects of your game.

This guide covers:

  • loadSprite() for loading sprites and spritesheets
  • sprite() for creating a sprite component
  • fliping sprites

Loading Sprites

For load a sprite, you can use the loadSprite() function. This function mainly takes two parameters, the sprite name and the sprite path.

loadSprite("bean", "sprites/bean.png");

This will load the sprite bean from the sprites/bean.png file.


When you have a spritesheet, you probably have animations. For these cases, the best option for you is to use the loadSprite()’s third argument, where you can set options related to animations.

assets eggs

loadSprite("player", "sprites/player.png", {
    sliceX: 2, // how many sprites are in the X axis
    sliceY: 2, // how many sprites are in the Y axis
    anims: {
        crack: { from: 0, to: 3, loop: false },
        ghosty: { from: 4, to: 4 },

This will load the spritesheet, and create two animations, crack and ghosty.

Using sprites

To use a sprite in a Game Object, you must use the sprite() component.

loadSprite("bean", "sprites/bean.png");

const bean = k.add([
    pos(100, 100),

And your bean will be here!

You can also set different parameters

const bean = k.add([
    sprite("bean", {
        frame: 1, // the frame of the sprite
        flipX: true, // flip the sprite in the X axis
        flipY: true, // flip the sprite in the Y axis
        anim: "crack", // the animation to play at the start
    pos(100, 100),

Playing animations

To play an animation, you can use the SpriteComp.play() method.

const player = k.add([
    pos(100, 100),

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