MarkJam 3 Announcement
lajbel, 7/16/2022
Ohhi Kaboomies, we have been working on an official jam, which some of you may be familiar with, Mark Jam.
Now we present to you MarkJam 3, the new edition, this time with a duration of 2 weeks.
The Official Jam by Kaboom
For those who don’t know MarkJam, it is an official competition dedicated to games with Mark. Let me explain it better, Mark Games, games with the character Mark inside, as the main character, or even a sprite of Mark in binary code. Yes, we have said so many times Mark
*Mark, examples character in Kaboom Legacy
The main idea of Mark Jam is that people from the community can have a recurring jam where they can participate and grow as devs. We want to see the amazing games created with Kaboom and Mark
Previous Jams and games
MarkJam was born as an independent jam, but now it becomes the official Kaboom jam. One of the main differences from the previous mark jams will be that the jam period will last 2 weeks.
Incredible games have been created in the previous jams, let’s see some very cool games. These are some winners of the previous Mark Jams, but you can check out more great games on the official website!
Mark Loops by Doku - Gold Winner in MarkJam #1

A game where you must collect Marks on a map of Mark by playing with Mark with different movement mechanics.
Mark Defenders by Kenney - Gold Winner in MarkJam #2

A game where Mark and his friends destroy aliens and big bosses.
Marktonator by Amy - Silver Winner in MarkJam #2

Addictive game about click Mark to earn points and Beans to earn time.
MarkJam 3
MarkJam 3 is now available on, the theme will be published when the jam starts, although I can tell you that it is in front of your nose.
Happy Jammin, and remember… Kaboom loves you!