Passing data between scenes

In KAPLAY, you can pass and get data between scenes. Imagine you have a game scene:

scene("game", () => {
    let score = 0;

        pos(12, 12),

    onKeyPress("space", () => {

    // go to the next scene on 2 seconds
    wait(2, () => {

scene("gameover", () => {
        text(`Game Over! Your score: `),
        pos(12, 12),

Now we need to pass the score to the gameover scene. We can do that with the following code:

go("gameover", score);

Now that we’ve passed the score to the gameover scene, we need to access it. To do that, use the callback parameters of the scene() function:

scene("gameover", (score) => {
        text(`Game Over! Your score: ${score}`);
        pos(12, 12),

Now you can use the score variable in the gameover scene.

Other ways

You can also pass multiple arguments:

go("gameover", score, time, player);

scene("gameover", (score, time, player) => {
    // do something with the arguments

Or pass an object:

go("gameover", {
    score: score,
    time: time,
    player: player,

scene("gameover", (data) => {
    // do something with the data
        text(`Game Over! Your score: ${data.score}`);
        pos(12, 12),
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Expanding KAPLAY