
KAPLAY is a fork of Kaboom.js, and the latest stable version of Kaboom.js was v3000.

We are working on version v4000 of KAPLAY, and we have added a lot of new features and improvements.

We also are working on version v3001 to make the transition from Kaboom to KAPLAY easier. This version will be 99.9% compatible with Kaboom, without some of the most recent features such as performance improvements.

  • v4000: The new and next version of KAPLAY.
  • v3001: The last version of KAPLAY compatible with Kaboom.
  • v3000: The last stable version of Kaboom.js.


  • added input bindings, onButtonPress, onButtonRelease, onButtonDown, and it’s corresponding boolean versions, isButtonPressed, isButtonDown and isButtonReleased. (v3001/4000)

        // bind your buttons
        buttons: {
            jump: {
                keyboard: ["space", "up"],
                keyboardCode: "Space", // you can also use key codes
                gamepad: ["south"],
    onButtonPress("jump", () => {
  • added getButton(btn) and setButton(btn) to get and set button bindings (v3001/4000)

    // ["space", "up"]
    // change the jump button in keyboard to "w"
    setButton("jump", {
        keyboard: ["w"],
        // gamepad binding is not changed
  • added getLastInputDeviceType() to get what was the last pressed device (v3001/4000)

    onButtonPress(() => {
        const lastInputDevice = getLastInputDeviceType(); // keyboard, mouse or gamepad
        // change icons, etc
  • added the possibility of use arrays in all input handlers (v3001/4000)

    onKeyPress(["w", "up"], () => {
  • now gamepad events return what gamepad triggered the action (v3001/4000)

    onGamepadButtonPress("south", (btn, gp) => {
        console.log(gp.index); // gamepad number on navigator's gamepad list
  • added a fake cursor API (v4000)

    const myCursor = add([
        pos(100, 100),
    ]);; // trigger onClick events if the mouse is over
    myCursor.move(vec2(100, 200)); // move as your wish


  • added effector components: areaEffector(), buoyancyEffector(), pointEffector(), surfaceEffector(). (v3001/4000)
  • added constantForce() component. (v3001/4000)
  • added patrol() component to move along a list of waypoints. (v3001/4000)
  • added sentry() component to notify when certain objects are in sight. (v3001/4000)
  • added NavMesh class for pathfinding on a mesh. (v3001/4000)
  • added navigation() component to calculate a list of waypoints on a graph. (v3001/4000)
  • now collision checks are only done if there’s area objects. (v3001/4000)

Game Object

  • added getTreeRoot() to get the game’s root object, which is the parent of all other objects (v3001/4000)

    // get the root object
    const root = getTreeRoot();
    root.add(); // same as add()
    root.get(); // same as get()
  • added GameObjRaw.tags to get a game object’s tags. (v3001/4000)

    const obj = add([sprite("bean"), "enemy", "dangerous"]);
    // get the tags
    debug.log(obj.tags); // ["enemy", "dangerous"]


  • added support to setters/getters syntax in ScaleComp and SpriteComp components (v3001/4000)

    const obj = add([
    // set it with = syntax
    obj.scale = vec2(3, 4);
    obj.sprite = "bag";

Rendering and Animation

  • added the animate() component to animate the properties of an object using keyframes. Check out Animation Example (v3001/4000)

    // prop to animate, frames, options
    rotatingBean.animate("angle", [0, 360], {
        duration: 2,
        direction: "forward",
  • added particles() component to emit and draw particles. (v3001/4000)

  • readded layers() and the layer() component. (v3001/4000)

    Before the z() component, there was a layer() component that allowed you to control the draw order of objects. It was removed in v3000, but now it’s back from the void.

    // define the layers
            // the default layer
    // use the layer component
    add([sprite("bg"), layer("bg")]);
  • added SpriteComp.getCurAnim() to get the current animation data (v3001/4000)

    const obj = add([
        sprite("bean", { anim: "walk" }),
    // get the current animation name
    debug.log(obj.getCurAnim().name); // "walk"
  • added SpriteComp.getAnim() for get any animation data (v3001/4000)

    loadSprite("bean", "bean.png", {
        sliceX: 4,
        sliceY: 1,
        anims: {
            walk: {
                from: 0,
                to: 3,
    const obj = add([
    // get the animation data
    debug.log(obj.getAnim("walk")); // { from: 0, to: 3 }
  • added SpriteComp.hasAnim() to check if an animation exists (v3001/4000)

    const obj = add([
        sprite("bean", { anim: "walk" }),
    // check if an animation exists
    debug.log(obj.hasAnim("walk")); // true
  • added camFlash() to flash the screen. (v3001/4000)

    camFlash(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
  • added support for radius in individual corners for RectComp component. (v3001/4000)

        rect(100, 100, {
            radius: [10, 20, 30, 40],
  • (! break) removed compatibilty to use two KAPLAY frames in the same page, due to perfomance improvements

  • fix error screen not showing with not Error object


  • now you can pass an AudioBuffer to loadSound() (v4000)

  • added loadMusic() to load streaming audio (doesn’t block in loading screen). (v3001/4000)

    loadMusic("bgm", "bgm.mp3");
    // play the music


  • added Vec2.fromArray() to convert an array to a Vec2. (v3001/4000)

    const point = Vec2.fromArray([100, 200]); // vec2(100, 200);
  • added Vec2.toArray() to convert a Vec2 to an array. (v3001/4000)

    const point = vec2(100, 200);
    const arr = point.toArray(); // [100, 200]
  • added chooseMultiple() to choose a random element from an array. (v3001/4000)

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    const random = chooseMultiple(numbers, 3); // [3, 1, 5]
  • added shuffle() to shuffle an array. (v3001/4000)

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    shuffle(numbers); // [3, 1, 5, 2, 4]

Debug mode

  • added outline(), shader(), and area() properties to debug.inspect (v3001/4000)

  • added KAPLAYOpt.debugKey for customizing the key used to toggle debug mode. (v3001/4000)

        debugKey: "l",
  • added compatibility with custom properties in debug mode

    const obj = add([
            health: 100, // on debug.inspect
            damage: 10, // on debug.inspect
            hp() {
       -= this.damage;
            }, // not on debug.inspect
    // see the custom properties in debug mode
    debug.inspect = true;


All changes applies for both v3001 and v4000

  • added getSceneName() to get the current scene name
  • added Color.toArray() to convert a color to an array
  • added global raycast function and raycast method to level
  • added support for textured polygons
  • added support for concave polygon drawing
  • added support for arrays in uniforms
  • added support for texture larger than 2048x2048
  • added support for gravity direction
  • added line join (bevel, miter, round) and line caps (square, round)
  • added quadratic bezier and Catmull-Rom evaluation
  • added evaluation of the first and second derivatives for all splines
  • added higher order easing functions linear, steps and cubic-bezier


  • now you can type get() with a type parameter and passsing component types. (v4000)

    const player = get<BodyComp>("player");


All changes applies for both v3001 and v4000

  • deprecated kaboom() in favor of kaplay() (you can still use kaboom*)
  • deprecated SpriteComp.curAnim() in favor of SpriteComp.getCurAnim().name
  • deprecated fadeIn component in favor of OpacityComp.fadeIn()
  • deprecated Event, EventHandler and EventController in favor of KEvent, KEventHandler and KEventController

Bug fixes

All changes applies for both v3001 and v4000

  • (break) much typescript definitions was fixed, if you use typescript now maybe you see new errors that make your code strict
  • fix error screen not showing with not Error object
  • fix error where debug screen was scaling bad the blue rectangles
  • fix error where error screen was not showing when the error was thrown in a input event
  • fix error where fonts was cropped in the bottom
kaplay logo

Making Your First Game

Expanding KAPLAY