
Scenes are the way to organize your game. They are like the chapters of a book, each scene is a different part of your game. On this guide:

  • scene() function to create scenes
  • go() function to change the current scene
  • Passing data between scenes

Creating Scenes

To create a scene, we use the scene() function. This function receives a name and a callback function. The callback function is executed when the scene is activated.

scene("game", () => {
    // your game code here

Changing Scenes

When you want to change the current scene, you use the go() function. This function receives the name of the scene you want to go.


Passing Data Between Scenes

Passing data between scenes is quite easy, go() and scene() functions have parameters to pass data.

We can handle the score in the game scene:

scene("game", (score) => {
        pos(12, 12),

Now we need to pass the score to the game scene, we do it with the go() function:

go("game", 100);

I have many parameters to pass

If you have many parameters to pass, you can use an object to pass them:

scene("game", ({ score, level }) => {
        text(`Score: ${score}`),
        pos(12, 12),

        text(`Level: ${level}`),
        pos(12, 24),

And pass the object to the go() function:

go("game", { score: 100, level: 1 });
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