Collision resolution data.
source: GameObj
The first game object in the collision.
target: GameObj
The second game object in the collision.
normal: Vec2
The contact normal.
distance: Vec2
The length of the displacement.
displacement: Vec2
The displacement source game object have to make to avoid the collision.
resolved: boolean
If the collision is resolved.
preventResolution(): void
Prevent collision resolution if not yet resolved.
hasOverlap(): boolean
If the 2 objects have any overlap, or they're just touching edges.
reverse(): Collision
Get a new collision with reversed source and target relationship.
isTop(): boolean
If the collision happened (roughly) on the top side.
isBottom(): boolean
If the collision happened (roughly) on the bottom side.
isLeft(): boolean
If the collision happened (roughly) on the left side.
isRight(): boolean
If the collision happened (roughly) on the right side.