
As we said, components are the building blocks of game objects. They define the behavior of the object, like how it moves, how it looks, and how it interacts with other objects.

This guide covers:

The components system of KAPLAY (the C of ECS) is powerful and flexible.

What is a Component?

A component is a piece of code that defines a specific behavior of a game object. It can return a set of properties and methods that are attached to the game object.

For example, the pos() component returns the pos property and the move() method.

const player = add([
    pos(80, 80),

player.move(100, 0); // move the player 100 pixels to the right
console.log(player.pos); // { x: 180, y: 80 }

Using Components

To assign a component to a game object, we usually do it on the initialization time of the object. For example, in a Butterfly game object, we can assign a sprite() component.

loadSprite("butterfly", "sprites/butterfly.png");

const player = add([

Dynamic Components

Usually, you want to assign a component in real time, for example, when the player picks up a power-up. You can use the GameObjRaw.use() method

const player = add([
    // original sprite
    pos(80, 80),

// new sprite

Use is a useful method, but what if you want to remove a component? You can use the GameObjRaw.unuse() method.


Getting Components

When you assign a component, the game object will be updated with new methods and properties that are specific to that component.

For example, when you assign a pos(), you can access the pos property of the game object. But also the methods of move() and scale().

const player = add([
    pos(80, 80),

// -100 pixels on every second with the left key pressed
onKeyDown("left", () => {
    // move() method is available because player has a pos() component
    player.move(-100, 0);

c() method

You can also access specifically to a component state using the c() method.

const player = add([
    pos(80, 80),

console.log(player.c("pos")); // all related state to pos()


Tags are a special kind of component that are used to identify groups of game objects, like the player, the enemies, the bullets, etc. In fact, all components are tags too, for example, the sprite() component is a sprite tag.

To create a tag, you only have to pass a string to the add() method.

const enemy = add([

There’s many functions that uses tags, for example onClick() to detect clicks on game objects.

onClick("enemy", (enemy) => {

Getting Tags

You can also check if a game object has a tag using the is() method.

if ("enemy")) {
    // do something

This function also works with components.

if ("sprite")) {
    // do something

Making your own components

There’s a guide about how to create your own components in KAPLAY. You can check it here.

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Making Your First Game

Expanding KAPLAY