animate<T>(name: string, keys: T[], opts: AnimateOpt): void
Animates a property on this object.
nameName of the property to animate.
keysKeys determining the value at a certain point in time.
unanimate(name: string): void
Removes the animation from the given property.
nameName of the property to remove the animation from.
unanimateAll(): void
Removes the animations from all properties
onAnimateFinished(cb: ()=>void): KEventController
Attaches an event handler which is called when all the animation channels have finished.
cbThe event handler called when the animation finishes.
onAnimateChannelFinished(cb: (name: string)=>void): KEventController
Attaches an event handler which is called when an animation channels has finished.
cbThe event handler called when an animation channel finishes.
base: BaseValues
Base values for relative animation
animation: paused: boolean
Pauses playing
seek(time: number): void
Move the animation to a specific point in time
duration: number
Returns the duration of the animation
paused: boolean
Pauses playing
seek(time: number): void
Move the animation to a specific point in time
duration: number
Returns the duration of the animation
serializeAnimationChannels(): Record<string, AnimationChannel>
serializeAnimationOptions(): followMotion?: boolean
relative?: boolean
followMotion?: boolean
relative?: boolean
Serializes the options of this object to plain Javascript types