The body component.
vel: Vec2
Object current velocity.since
drag: number
How much velocity decays (velocity *= (1 - drag) every frame).since
isStatic: boolean
If object is static, won't move, and all non static objects won't move past it.jumpForce: number
Initial speed in pixels per second for jump().gravityScale: number
Gravity multiplier.mass: number
Mass of the body, decides how much a non-static body should move when resolves with another non-static body. (default 1).since
stickToPlatform?: boolean
If object should move with moving platform (default true).since
curPlatform(): GameObj | null
Current platform landing on.isGrounded(): boolean
If currently landing on a platform.since
isFalling(): boolean
If currently falling.since
isJumping(): boolean
If currently rising.since
applyImpulse(impulse: Vec2): void
Applies an impulseparam
addForce(force: Vec2): void
Applies a forceparam
jump(force?: number): void
Upward thrust.onPhysicsResolve(action: (col: Collision)=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs when a collision is resolved.since
onBeforePhysicsResolve(action: (col: Collision)=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs before a collision would be resolved.since
onGround(action: ()=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs when the object is grounded.since
onFall(action: ()=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs when the object starts falling.since
onFallOff(action: ()=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs when the object falls off platform.since
onHeadbutt(action: ()=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs when the object bumps into something on the head.since
onLand(action: (obj: GameObj)=>void): KEventController
Register an event that runs when an object lands on this object.since