The pos component.
pos: Vec2
Object's current world position.move(xVel: number, yVel: number): void
Move how many pixels per second. If object is 'solid', it won't move into other 'solid' objects.move(vel: Vec2): void
moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): void
Move how many pixels, without multiplying dt, but still checking for 'solid'.moveBy(d: Vec2): void
moveTo(dest: Vec2, speed?: number): void
Move to a spot with a speed (pixels per second), teleports if speed is not given.moveTo(x: number, y: number, speed?: number): void
screenPos(): Vec2 | null
Get the position of the object on the screen.worldPos(): Vec2 | null
Get the position of the object relative to the root.toScreen(this: GameObj, p: Vec2): Vec2
Transform a local point (relative to this) to a screen point (relative to the camera)toWorld(this: GameObj, p: Vec2): Vec2
Transform a local point (relative to this) to a world point (relative to the root)since
fromScreen(this: GameObj, p: Vec2): Vec2
Transform a screen point (relative to the camera) to a local point (relative to this)since
fromWorld(this: GameObj, p: Vec2): Vec2
Transform a world point (relative to the root) to a local point (relative to this)since
toOther(this: GameObj, other: GameObj, p: Vec2): Vec2
Transform a point relative to this to a point relative to othersince
fromOther(this: GameObj, other: GameObj, p: Vec2): Vec2
Transform a point relative to other to a point relative to thissince