DrawPolygonOpt: RenderProps & pts: Vec2[]
The points that make up the polygonfill?: boolean
If fill the shape with color (set this to false if you only want an outline).indices?: number[]
Manual triangulation.offset?: Vec2
The center point of transformation in relation to the position.radius?: number | number[]
The radius of each corner.colors?: Color[]
The color of each vertex.since
uv?: Vec2[]
The uv of each vertex.since
tex?: Texture
The texture if uv are supplied.since
triangulate?: boolean
Triangulate concave polygons.since
How the polygon should look like.pts: Vec2[]
The points that make up the polygonfill?: boolean
If fill the shape with color (set this to false if you only want an outline).indices?: number[]
Manual triangulation.offset?: Vec2
The center point of transformation in relation to the position.radius?: number | number[]
The radius of each corner.colors?: Color[]
The color of each vertex.since
uv?: Vec2[]
The uv of each vertex.since
tex?: Texture
The texture if uv are supplied.since
triangulate?: boolean
Triangulate concave polygons.since