kochanekBartels(pt1: Vec2, pt2: Vec2, pt3: Vec2, pt4: Vec2, tension: number, continuity: number, bias: number): Vec2

A second order function returning an evaluator for the given 2D Kochanek–Bartels curve

parampt1- Previous point

parampt2- First point

parampt3- Second point

parampt4- Next point

paramtension- The tension of the curve, [-1..1] from round to tight.

paramcontinuity- The continuity of the curve, [-1..1] from box corners to inverted corners.

parambias- The bias of the curve, [-1..1] from pre-shoot to post-shoot.

returnsA function which gives the value on the 2D Kochanek–Bartels curve at t

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