
The state component.

state: string

Current state.

enterState(state: string, args: any): void

Enter a state, trigger onStateEnd for previous state and onStateEnter for the new State state.

onStateTransition(from: string, to: string, action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register event that runs once when a specific state transition happens. Accepts arguments passed from `enterState(name, ...args)`.


onStateEnter(state: string, action: (args: any)=>void): KEventController

Register event that runs once when enters a specific state. Accepts arguments passed from `enterState(name, ...args)`.

onStateEnd(state: string, action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register an event that runs once when leaves a specific state.

onStateUpdate(state: string, action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register an event that runs every frame when in a specific state.

onStateDraw(state: string, action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register an event that runs every frame when in a specific state.
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