SpriteAnim: number | from?: number
The starting frame.
to?: number
The end frame.
loop?: boolean
If this anim should be played in loop.
pingpong?: boolean
When looping should it move back instead of go to start frame again.
speed?: number
This anim's speed in frames per second.
frames?: number[]
List of frames for the animation.
If this property exists, **from, to, and pingpong will be ignored**.
from?: number
The starting frame.
to?: number
The end frame.
loop?: boolean
If this anim should be played in loop.
pingpong?: boolean
When looping should it move back instead of go to start frame again.
speed?: number
This anim's speed in frames per second.
frames?: number[]
List of frames for the animation. If this property exists, **from, to, and pingpong will be ignored**.
Frame-based animation configuration.