KGamepad: index: number
The order of the gamepad in the gamepad list.
isPressed(b: KGamepadButton): boolean
If certain button is pressed.
isDown(b: KGamepadButton): boolean
If certain button is held down.
isReleased(b: KGamepadButton): boolean
If certain button is released.
getStick(stick: GamepadStick): Vec2
Get the value of a stick.
index: number
The order of the gamepad in the gamepad list.
isPressed(b: KGamepadButton): boolean
If certain button is pressed.
isDown(b: KGamepadButton): boolean
If certain button is held down.
isReleased(b: KGamepadButton): boolean
If certain button is released.
getStick(stick: GamepadStick): Vec2
Get the value of a stick.
A KAPLAY gamepad