DrawUVQuadOpt: RenderProps & width: number
Width of the UV quad.
height: number
Height of the UV quad.
flipX?: boolean
If flip the texture horizontally.
flipY?: boolean
If flip the texture vertically.
tex?: Texture
The texture to sample for this quad.
quad?: Quad
The texture sampling area.
anchor?: Anchor | Vec2
The anchor point, or the pivot point. Default to "topleft".
width: number
Width of the UV quad.
height: number
Height of the UV quad.
flipX?: boolean
If flip the texture horizontally.
flipY?: boolean
If flip the texture vertically.
tex?: Texture
The texture to sample for this quad.
quad?: Quad
The texture sampling area.
anchor?: Anchor | Vec2
The anchor point, or the pivot point. Default to "topleft".