
The area component.


shape: Shape | null

If we use a custom shape over render shape.

cursor: Cursor | null

Cursor on hover.

Collider area info.

collisionIgnore: Tag[]

If this object should ignore collisions against certain other objects.


isClicked(): boolean

If was just clicked on last frame.

checkCollision(other: GameObj): Collision | null

Check collision with another game obj.


getCollisions(): Collision[]

Get all collisions currently happening.


isColliding(o: GameObj): boolean

If is currently colliding with another game obj.

isOverlapping(o: GameObj): boolean

If is currently overlapping with another game obj (like isColliding, but will return false if the objects are just touching edges).

onClick(f: ()=>void, btn?: MouseButton): void

Register an event runs when clicked.


onHover(action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register an event runs once when hovered.


onHoverUpdate(action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register an event runs every frame when hovered.


onHoverEnd(action: ()=>void): KEventController

Register an event runs once when unhovered.


onCollide(tag: Tag, f: (obj: GameObj, col?: Collision)=>void): void

Register an event runs once when collide with another game obj with certain tag.


onCollide(f: (obj: GameObj, col?: Collision)=>void): void

Register an event runs once when collide with another game obj.


onCollideUpdate(tag: Tag, f: (obj: GameObj, col?: Collision)=>void): KEventController

Register an event runs every frame when collide with another game obj with certain tag.


onCollideUpdate(f: (obj: GameObj, col?: Collision)=>void): KEventController

Register an event runs every frame when collide with another game obj.


onCollideEnd(tag: Tag, f: (obj: GameObj)=>void): KEventController

Register an event runs once when stopped colliding with another game obj with certain tag.


onCollideEnd(f: (obj: GameObj)=>void): void

Register an event runs once when stopped colliding with another game obj.


hasPoint(p: Vec2): boolean

If has a certain point inside collider.

resolveCollision(obj: GameObj): void

Push out from another solid game obj if currently overlapping.

localArea(): Shape

Get the geometry data for the collider in local coordinate space.


worldArea(): Polygon

Get the geometry data for the collider in world coordinate space.

screenArea(): Polygon

Get the geometry data for the collider in screen coordinate space.
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