
The sprite component.

sprite: string

Name of the sprite.

width: number

Width for sprite.

height: number

Height for sprite.

frame: number

Current frame in the entire spritesheet.

animFrame: number

Current frame in relative to the animation that is currently playing.

quad: Quad

The rectangular area of the texture to render.

play(anim: string, options?: SpriteAnimPlayOpt): void

Play a piece of anim.

stop(): void

Stop current anim.

numFrames(): number

Get total number of frames.

getCurAnim(): SpriteCurAnim | null

Get the current animation data.


curAnim(): string | undefined

Get current anim name.

deprecatedUse `getCurAnim().name` instead.

hasAnim(name: string): boolean

Check if object's sprite has an animation.

getAnim(name: string): SpriteAnim | null

Get an animation.

animSpeed: number

Speed multiplier for all animations (for the actual fps for an anim use .play("anim", { speed: 10 })).

flipX: boolean

Flip texture horizontally.

flipY: boolean

Flip texture vertically.

onAnimStart(action: (anim: string)=>void): KEventController

Register an event that runs when an animation is played.

onAnimEnd(action: (anim: string)=>void): KEventController

Register an event that runs when an animation is ended.
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